Tuesday, April 7, 2020

My heart is full again

This morning, I walked past Kiana's room and it was empty. I thought that she must have gone out for a walk. Then later on, I walked past it again. No Kiana, must be still on the walk.
Then, when I went upstairs, there she was! I ran and gave her a hug.
My heart is full.
I feel soo much lighter.

Released, reassignment unclear

Kiana was released as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today, and it is likely she will be reassigned to NZ. When, we aren't exactly sure.

This news has left me feeling heavy, as the sure road now doesn't seem so clear.

I allowed myself to feel the feelings and took it easy.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Huge curve ball

This morning we received a text from our Stake President asking if we received an email with Kiana’s new assignment and travel plans. We said no, and to please send it through. With all that’s going on there must be a delay in getting information to us.
We found out that she was coming back this Wednesday and that she will be temporarily assigned to the Hamilton mission after she comes out of self-isolation.

We were on our way out, but we decided to come back inside and tell the kids.

My mind was just spinning. Michael said that if she is in self isolation then we wouldn’t be able to hug her at the airport. That just broke my mama heart.

We spent the day planning what to do to make the isolation more comfortable. After the call we updated family and friends who have been following Kiana’s journey. Then I just needed to turn the phone to airplane mode to get away from it all.

Then Michael got an email from Kiana saying she wanted to talk to us on messager.

Iy was so good to hear from her. She was just so heartbroken. We cried together. It was so unexpected for her and sudden. She got given her itinerary, but had not heard where she was going to serve. It was a good talk then she had to go.

As we thought more about how to make her comfortable, I got the idea of having a wall of encouraging words for Kiana to come home to. I put our the request for words of love, drawings and encouraging words and I am going to make a wall of love for her.

It’s pretty unbelievable what is happening around the world. We know we are blessed. We know Kiana is well looked after. We are so grateful that the church has been taking such good care of her.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

9 days to go

Kiana is scheduled to leave for the Provo Missionary Training Centre in America on the 10th March. 

Due to the coronavirus, she may have to serve elsewhere temporarily or postpone her start date. I'm sure we will get an update this week. Until then, it's just a waiting game.

It's Fast Sunday today. I fasted that I wouldn't be so sad leading up to Kiana leaving. I really want to treasure this last week and not be bogged down with sadness.

Kiana taught her last class at primary and she has finished her job at Yoshi Sushi. 

We have one full week with her and then she will be gone by next Tuesday!

Today we have been planning her farewell, thinking up of fun things like origami making, or pin the name tag on a missionary. 

I also went though our stationery and made a little pack she can take on her mission that has cards etc to write notes to investigators. 

I wonder where we will be sending her care packages to!?